My Life Scripture

Friday, October 9, 2009

8th Email...Spinal Tap Results & Next Steps...dated 7/16/08

Dearest Family & Friends,

So sorry that it has been awhile since I have been able to send an update
(no internet in Vermont house). We had a wonderful time in Vermont. Really
enjoyed our time with Dan's family. All though I still had my ups and downs
overall God really gave me the strength to participate in most of the family
activities even if it was from a sitting position. Thank you everyone for
all your prayers for both a car for the trip (thank you again Daddy!!) and
for our time away. God was with us!!!

I spent the week anticipating my results. I thought I would get them at any
moment...but nothing! Well, I finally got them yesterday. I know it sounds
strange to Not want a clear report but to be honest when you have been sick
as long as I have you want doctors to find something conclusive.
Unfortunately nothing was found on the spinal tap including the Lyme which
is what the doctor was sure he would find. The doctor has not in any way
ruled out the Lyme as I have already shown positive on some of my blood work
but not enough to show a definitive diagnosis. What they want to see is a
more conclusive positive before they start putting strong antibiotics in me
that have there own range of side effects and dangers to my body. I
appreciate the doctors desire to have my first test confirmed although this
back and forth has been extremely difficult for me and my family. We are
wanting to move forward and see some improvement as soon as possible however
even with the antibiotics the doctor has told us that there is no way of
knowing if all my symptoms will improve.

I am new to the world of Lyme Disease but like anything in my life I
immediately dive in deep and have learned how fuzzy and inconclusive
diagnosing this disease truly is. It is VERY hard to get a clear positive
blood result because the bacteria hides in the body and could show up on one
test and not on another or it could be there but not show up at all. It can
be even more difficult in a patients who have potentially had the disease
for a long period of time like myself. There are so many patients who like
me have debilitating symptoms and go mis-diagnosed for years and do finally
get an accurate positive result, are treated and begin to improve. Right now
a clear diagnosis is really what we are praying for.

I went for more blood work today and had a different Lyme test which is
suppose to be more sensitive to the bacteria. I will get those results in a
week to ten days. There is one other path we can take which is to go through
a Lab in California which is well known around the country for being the
best at giving an accurate diagnosis for Lyme. It is there specialty! I have
had several people recommend that I do their testing. The blood draw will be
hear but the processing will be at their lab in California which means I
will have to pay out of pocket. It will be around $410ish to get this done.
Dan and I would like to move forward with this as soon as possible. Will you
pray with us as right now we do not have the finances to move forward with
these test?

The Doctor is very behind us doing any and every test possible to get a
clear result. So we continue on in this battle for answers and treatment but
in the mean time we continue to work hard on our nutritional plan which has
truly been sustaining me. At times I have more energy and less pain. The
hard thing is knowing what is temporary improvement and what will continue
as I had some better days back in April and May and then it went downhill
again for two months. Right now I am truly taking one day at a time
(sometimes one hour) which is all that can really be done. I have had some
new symptoms in the last week which have been difficult to deal with but we
continue to trust and believe that God will see us through every new
challenge as He has up to this point.

As far as our car situation...with all our hearts want to thank everyone
who has given to us and has prayed for us!!!! God is showing His provision
and we are trusting Him for the remainder of what is needed. We feel like we
have the right van in mind but are having a hard time finding it...oh the
joy of the used car search!! We are happy to be patient but to be honest our
van's transmission is worse everyday and today we had to use it to drive out
east (an hour or so) to a specific lab to get the test I needed. It would
not shift over many times and a few where dangerous as we were stuck in an
intersection. All that to say we should not be driving it anymore and would
like the right van to cross our path ASAP!!! We appreciate your continued

I think that is about enough information to digest for one email. If anyone
has any further questions or would like more info on what the doctor has
said please don't hesitate to email me and I will get back to you. You can
also find me on facebook now where I will also be posting these updates.

I cannot say enough about how supported Dan and I have felt through this
difficult time because of the love, help, prayers and concerns of all of
you. Please know that we love you all and so appreciate your friendship!!!
Many Blessings!!

Much Love,

PS. As always the list is growing so if you are receiving this update for
the first time please scroll down if you are interested in reading previous
updates!! Thank you again for your love and concern!!

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