My Life Scripture

Friday, October 9, 2009

WELCOME to my "resurrected" BLOG!!

WELCOME!! I am happy to be back and blogging again! If you scroll down to my first post on my "resurrected" blog you will find an explanation as to why I have been out of the blogging world for awhile!!

On your way down you will find all of my original emails and blogs from my old blog re-posted so if you are new to my blog and want to hear the WHOLE STORY...feel free to check them out!

For those of you who where keeping up with my blog before there are a couple of new blogs I did not get to post before that you may want to read..."My Current Reality" from 4/1/09, "My New Lyme Specialist" from 4/20/09 and my newest posts, "Why...Its the Climb", "Our Current Mountain" and "How Lyme feels on October 9, 2009" from today!

Hope you can take the time to catch up with me on my on-going journey to heal. Would love to hear your comments and feedback as it has been awhile. It would be great if you would like to become a "follower" of my blog so you can hear the latest updates as soon as they come out.

A special WELCOME to all my fellow Lymies and many other who are also fighting chronic illness. Pray you are encouraged, empowered and motivated in ever way to fight another day!

For all those who have been praying and supporting us so diligently, I am so sorry it has taken this long to get a current update posted! I hope you know we love you and think of you and pray for you daily as more long pauses...the blogs will keep comin :)

A promise from a sick women who should not make promises...its made in FAITH!!

PS...Before you read anymore, don't forget to check my DISCLAIMER :) LOL!!

1 comment:

  1. Love you, Bec! You are in our prayers! Believin God for a miracle for you, one way or another!!!...

