My Life Scripture

Friday, October 9, 2009

How Lyme feels on October 9, 2009....

I have posted some important new blogs but realized non of them answered the question "How is the Lyme making you feel these days...???" So if you where wondering how I'm doin here is a quick update:

On October 9,2009 I'm bedridden soooo...Lyme is still kickin my but....but I have to say I don't put up with it and I'm kickin right back!! I am doing over 6 therapies a week including Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Osteopathic Muscular Therapy (OMT), Acupuncture, Colon Hydrotherapy, In-fared Sauna Therapy and IV Vitamin Therapy along with other IV treatment and antibiotics on and off. Homeopathy and Chiropractic also fall into the mix here and there and I take enough supplements a day to sink a ship...or at least one of my boys bath toys!I am still seeing my Specialist in NYC, Jerry Simons (my life saver:), once a month but I am in NYC every week for the IV treatment. I am also still hard core on my nutritional plan which is KEY to my recovery!

To Heal from Lyme you have to approach it from four directions:

1) Boost the Immune system to...
2) Kill the BACTERIA but, then you must...
3) Detox from the bacteria die off and overload of toxins in your system so you can...
4) Strengthen your body through Exercise, Nutrition and Decreased Stress which leads us back to #1...and around we go

Each one of my above mentioned Therapies fall into one of these four categories and therefore all are crucial to my ongoing recovery! They also take up my ENTIRE week!! I am left to try and fit in all my Mom & Wife responsibilities between my therapies and often bedridden state.

BUT...I am making progress...I was bedridden and wheelchair bound almost daily at the beginning of the year. I am now up and around able to perform basic tasks for up to half a day on many days. I still have a list of symptoms a mile long and new ones come and go due to treatment which is part of the process. Some days I still can't walk and am bed or couch bound but I bounce back quicker than I was and usually a good day isn't far away.

My doctors originally said this would take a few years to get under control due to the length of time I've been sick, but we still hold out hope to a full remission in 2010!

Sending Chronic Lyme into remission is a roller coaster ride. You may feel "symptom controlled" one day and be "symptom overwhelmed" the next. My life changes by the hour but I am secure in the sense that we are doing ALL we can and I believe we will reach our goal of day at a time!

PS...Please take the time to read my last blog, "Our Current Mountain" as it details what it will take to financially keep me in treatment and working toward recovery!

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